Monday, October 1, 2012

My Weekend in Pictures: A Nice, Fall, 4-Wheeler Ride

This weekend we went on a long 4-wheeler ride with my mother and father-in-law and some friends.  We started at a place called Hardware Ranch and went over to a place called Randolph, and then back again.  It was a long ride, but beautiful, especially with the fall colors pretty much at their peak in a lot of places.  We also stopped in Randolph for lunch before we headed back.  It was a great day...and I took some great pics. It's really hard to capture all of the beauty in a pic.  You kind of have to see it in person to get the full impact, but I tried...

A drive or ride in Utah wouldn't be complete without seeing some wildlife. In this case, some antelope. 

I hope you had a fantastic weekend too!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Favorite-Recipe Friday: My Husband's Salsa Recipe

Why favorite-recipe Friday you ask?  Well, what better time to try a new recipe than on the weekend?!

This Friday I am sharing my husband's homemade salsa recipe.  He got this recipe from his friend, Jose, but he is a lot like me in that he tweaks recipes to make them his own.  Some of these measurements are very approximate because my hubby doesn't care much for measuring ingredients; he just throws them in and hopes for the best... It usually turns out okay though... Seriously though, this is really good salsa!

Blake's Homemade Salsa

  • 8 tomatoes
  • 3 jalapeno peppers
  • 3 manzano (apple) peppers*
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 1 onion (preferably sweet)
  • 1 cup fresh cilantro (more or less to taste)
  • 1 tsp salt (more or less to taste)
  • 1 tsp dried oregano (more or less to taste)
  • lime juice ( I think he squeezes about half of a lime in)

  1. Roast the tomatoes and peppers on the grill.
  2. Peel the tomatoes.
  3. Remove all or most of the seeds from the peppers (depending on how spicy you like it)
  4. Put all the ingredients in a blender or food processor and blend until well mixed.
  5. Pour into a bowl, cover, and store overnight in the fridge for best flavor.
  6. Enjoy!
*Manzano (apple) peppers are hard to find unless you have a specialty store nearby.  You can try other peppers like banana peppers, habanero peppers, Anaheim peppers, etc.  Just experiment and find what you like.

I told you that these measurements were very approximate.  You'll want to tweak the ingredients to your liking and just have fun with it. 

Well, there you have it.  I hope you enjoy your salsa and your weekend!

Do you have a favorite recipe that you would like to share?  Well, send it to me and I will feature it on my blog.  Better yet, consider doing a guest post with me.   

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Fall Really is My Favorite Time of Year...

I decided to take the advice of The SITS Girls and try to do some of their blogging challenges, so today I'm writing about my favorite memories of fall and why fall is my favorite time of year. 

This picture is actually a puzzle that my husband put together
and glued. It hangs above our fireplace. I love it because it
reminds me of the annual pheasant hunt with my family.
 Some of my fondest memories of fall from when I was young would have to be the annual opening of the pheasant hunt.  In Utah, bird and other wild-game hunting are very popular and my family is full of avid hunters.  Yes, I grew up eating pheasant, duck, goose, rabbit, deer, elk, etc., but that is for another post.  When I was young, the opening Saturday of the pheasant hunt was as big a deal as Christmas in my family.  We would all wake up at the crack of dawn and head out to my Grandma & Grandpa Berchtold's farm.  We usually had quite a few family friends there as well.  My mom would always make her giant cinnamon rolls and my Grandma would make a huge pot of chili.  My aunts would all bring whatever other dish was needed.  Many of us would eat breakfast there (usually included a cinnamon roll) and then the men and some of the women would head out at first light to go hunting on my family's land.  They would be back at lunch, loaded up with pheasants.  Those who didn't hunt would stay and get ready for lunch, play games, help my grandma quilt, etc.  I really need to try to find some old pics of those days.  It wasn't just about the hunt, but also being together as a family and with our good friends.  There was always just something about those fall days on the farm... the crisp air, the vibrant colors of the leaves, the vast corn fields... there was just this special feeling.

Fall is my favorite time of year for many other reasons too.  The crisp, fresh feeling in the air.  The pumpkins sitting on doorsteps, not to mention the pumpkin desserts and flavored coffee! The spicy smells of fall fragrances.  I get to wear my favorite sweatshirts, sweaters, and boots.  Having a fire in the fireplace and cuddling in a cozy blanket.  Knowing the Holidays are on the horizon.  For me, the Holiday season begins as soon as I decorate for Halloween and I decorate for Halloween at the beginning of October (what can I say, I'm a kid at heart).  Then there are the colors! My favorite colors are the yellows, oranges, and reds of the leaves in fall.  And there is nothing quite like the mountains in Utah in the fall when all those colors are on display.  I haven't got out to take pics yet this year, so you really should head on over to my friend, Mj's blog; she just took some fabulous pics of our mountains.  I could go for a drive every weekend and look at our mountains in the fall... It's something that many of us native Utahns take for granted, but it really is beautiful and awe inspiring...

How about you, what is your favorite memory or thing about fall?          

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Change--In Honor of 9/11

This post is dedicated to 9/11.  This is actually a song that was written by Garth Brooks after the Oklahoma City bombing, but I think it is also very fitting to the events of 9/11 as well and I just wanted to share it.  It struck a cord in me then and still does to this day.


One hand reaches out and pulls a lost soul from harm
While a thousand more go unspoken for
They say what good have you done
By saving just this one
It's like whispering a prayer
In the fury of the storm

And I hear them saying you'll never change things
And no matter what you do it's still the same thing
But it's not the world that I am changing
I do this so this world will know that
It will not change me

This heart still believes that love and mercy still exist
While all the hatreds rage and so many say
That love is all but pointless in madness such as this
It's like trying to stop a fire
With the moisture from a kiss

As long as one heart still holds on
Then hope is never really gone

I hear them saying you'll never change things
And no matter what you do it's still the same thing
But it's not the world that I am changing
I do this so this world we know
Never changes me

What I do is so
This world will know
That it will not change me

Monday, September 10, 2012

My Weekend in Pictures: Peach Days Edition

When it comes to peaches, the state that usually comes to mind is probably Georgia, so it's a little known fact to the majority of the U.S. that Northern Utah has some fabulous peaches.  People drive from out of state to the small rural communities of Perry and Willard, UT (just a few miles south of where I live in Brigham City) to go to the fruit stands and get peaches.  I've heard of people who make an annual trip from Las Vegas, NV, etc. to come and get peaches.  Mind you, that's approximately an 8 hour drive...Yeah, our peaches are THAT good!

Brigham City is a great town to visit, especially during Peach Days.  Peach Days actually started back in 1904 as a day off from the harvest and a time to celebrate "an abundance of the best peaches in Utah."  This city-wide event is the longest continually celebrated harvest festival in Utah and is reported to be the second oldest in the country.  It has become an honored tradition and very popular event that brings approximately 50,000 spectators over the fun and event-filled weekend...Here are just a few highlights...

Many of us start our morning getting to our favorite parade spot early and enjoying some of the best donuts around.  My family's favorite parade spot is right in Kent's Market parking lot, so we are close to these awesome treats.

Then there's the parade!  It usually has about 100 entries and lasts a couple of hours.
there are firetrucks with their sirens blaring and lights flashing.

There are some pretty cool floats.

There isn't a parade in Utah that would be complete without some cowboys!

And don't forget our small-town school pride and spirit....GO BEES!!

Aside from the parade, there are many other events and festivities going on.
There's the carnival with dutch oven cooking, concerts, many concession stands, and rides (Tate had a blast!).

There's the fabulous car show.  Now, this car show is HUGE!  There is really no way to show in a pic, the enormity of this show.  People come from all over the US to show their beautiful old (and some new) cars.

And, of course, last but certainly not least, while you are here, you just have to try our peaches!!

This really just skims the surface of all the fun that can be had.  Peach Days has a little something for everybody!  It kinda brings out the kid in all of us... 

Friday, September 7, 2012

Favorite-Recipe-Friday: Homemade Pesto

I had been buying the already-made pesto, either in a jar or packet that you mix with oil, and I decided that I really needed to try making my own.  I looked around online and experimented a bit, and this is what I came up with. 

Trin's Homemade Pesto for Pasta (or whatever)

  • 3/4 cup fresh -or- 3 tbsp dried basil
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/4 tsp black pepper
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1 tbsp dried parsley
  • 1/2 cup olive oil
  • 1 tbsp softened butter
  • 1/2 cup Parmesan cheese
  • 2 tbsp pine nuts or sunflower kernels (optional)

  1. In a food processor or blender, mix basil, salt, pepper, garlic, parsley, olive oil, seeds or nuts, and butter until well blended.
  2. Pour mixture into a bowel and slowly fold the Parmesan cheese into it until well mixed.
  3. Pour over and stir into your favorite (already prepared) pasta or you can put it on salad, rub it on steak or chicken, or whatever strikes your fancy. I mix mine with penne or rigatoni pasta and serve it up with a steak (pictured) or chicken. The possibilities are endless!
  4. Enjoy!
Well, there you have it! So easy!  I hope you enjoy your pesto and pasta or whatever you decide to have it with, and have a great weekend!

Do you have a favorite recipe, well send it to me and I will feature it on my blog.  Better yet, consider doing a guest post with me.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

My Teenage View

With school just starting again here recently, it inspired me to look through some of my old school projects and papers that I had saved.  I found a binder that I had made in a creative writing class and it was called "My Teenage View."  In this book, I found a paper that I had written and I just had to share...

The alarm goes off; my summer has ended. My heart beats wildly as the realization of what lies ahead grasps a hold of my nerves. The first day of Freshman year!...Aaah!
I shut off my alarm and slowly rise out of my safe bed, hoping maybe this is all a dream and I'll soon wake up and still have at least half the summer left.
I feel a twinge of despair as my shower seems to sluice away the freedom I've had the past three months.
The clock's hands spin around its face as I attempt to give my churning stomach unwanted food. My hands tremble and my knees feel like rubber. My middle feels as though someone has tied me in knots and are still trying to pull me tighter even though I can budge no more.
It's one of the most important days of my life and, of course, my hair is frizzy, limp, and unmanageable while my face has seemed to accumulate polka dots overnight.
Time is going by oh so quickly! I find myself pacing a depression in the living room carpet and my already stubby fingernails are becoming shorter by the second. Then I hear the dreaded words: "Time to go-are you ready?" My mom is heading towards the door, smiling at me. I grab my bag and head nervously out the door and then get in the car. The trip to the immense, blue building was too short. As I enter, my stomach does start to unclench itself, but my nerves still feel as though they are going to climb out of my body. It's almost as though "FRESHMAN" is written on my forehead; I'm getting all these strange stares-oh my! Is it that obvious?! Fortunately I find my locker without much of a problem (that's probably because my boyfriend is standing right by it).
Through the day, my nerves quit dancing. Although I still have trouble keeping myself calm whenever the bell rings, for the thought of entering the neverending hallway, with the hundreds of people pushing, shoving, and stepping on me, is hard to get used to.
The last bell of the day finally rings and I am anxious to get the heck out of this place. I don't feel a complete sense of relief, however, until I'm through the door of my house and sitting peacefully on the living room couch. I have no homework, for all the teachers lectured on class rules, so I spend my evening relaxing, glad that the day is over. Later, I climb exhaustedly back in my bed and am about to fall asleep hits me-I have to go back tomorrow!!!

Oh my goodness, that makes me laugh!  I hope you enjoyed it too.  I liked to write even then, but I definitely had a flare for the dramatic!  That's been quite a few years ago now (my 20-year *ahem* class reunion is coming up next year), but there are days that I still feel like that same nervous,  teenage girl pushing her way through the halls.  I guess now it's just the halls of life...