Monday, January 9, 2012

Allow Me to Introduce Myself

 Hello there! I hope you are having a wonderful New Year!  My name is Trinity Burbank.  My friends and family call me Trin.  I'm a small-town girl with country ties.  I'm a coffee addict by day and a wine lover by night.  I love beauty products and fashion, i.e. shoes, purses/bags and other must-have accessories, and I can shop 'til I drop with the best of them (when I have the money that is), but there is a little tomboy in the mix; I like to go camping, fishing, hiking, and I kind of like the mud (okay, maybe I like it a lot).  I also have a major appreciation for old muscle cars (there is a friendly and ongoing Mustang vs. Camaro debate in our household).  I'm a bookworm, app queen, gadget junkie, scrapbooking enthusiast, artist, and new blogger who loves music, is a sucker for a great quote, and loves to cook.  Last but certainly not least, I'm a wife and mom, and a work-at-home medical transcriptionist.  I'm a relatively normal person with just enough quirkiness to keep things interesting (*wink, wink*). 

I've been meaning to start this blog for quite awhile, but life and, to be honest, insecurity have been getting in my way.  I love to write and always have (I was told that I was pretty good at it by a few teachers as well), and I express myself best through writing, so this just seems like an obvious way to connect with people and really truly be myself.  It will be a bit of therapy for me too, my open journal to the world, if you will.  I've decided to quit worrying, to stop over thinking it, to throw caution to the wind, and just be myself and speak from my heart.  This isn't going to be a theme blog (not yet, anyway); I'll write and ramble about a wide variety of topics.  I plan to share recipes with you, favorite quotes, fabulous things I find, the everyday happenings in my life, and whatever else pops into my head; there are many things rattling around in there!  I'll keep it as positive as possible because I don't like reading negative blogs and I don't want to write one either.  Having said that, this blog is about my life, and my life isn't always wine and roses and I might want to blog about a bad day or something serious that is on my mind, so I'll keep it positive...but real.  I will spend the next few blog posts writing about the towns I grew up in, how I got my name, how my blog got its name, etc., so you can get a better idea of who I am and what I'm all about. And I will be guest posting about how I met my husband over at A Girl Named Michael (you won't want to miss that one; it's a rather interesting and eyebrow-raising story).

So, welcome to my world; it should be a fun ride! I am so glad you stopped by and took an interest in me.  Whether you're family, a long-time friend, somebody I've known a short while, or just someone I've barely met, I'm excited to tell you about my journey so far and I'm excited that you'll be a part of my journey to come... Stay tuned!...   


  1. BRAVO my friend! Great start and I can't wait to read more! :)

  2. I'm SO happy and excited to wake up to this! Congratulations on your first fab post and looking forward to keeping up with you & your blog!


  3. Hey Sweetie glad you are blogging...finally!!!!

  4. Dude you're blogging!!! Yay! Great start. I look forward to more of what you have in store for us! (Don't forget to add a way for us to follow your blog by email and RSS!! :-)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Trirnnnn I love it! I cant wait to see all the wonderful post that you will share with us. Welcome welcome welcome( as if I have any room to talk) to the blogging world! Imma newbie myself! I'm just glad that you stepped up and said bunk it all, stepped out on faith, grit your teeth and jumped right in. Yes this is life and life is to be lived!

    Many hugs and best wishes!

  7. Thank you all so much for the kind words and support! Yay! I'm so excited to finally be part of the blogging community!

  8. COngrats on starting a blog! It's so much fun!

    1. Thank you so much! Yes, it is definitely fun! I think I'm already addicted!
